Helpful information and suggestions before submitting a support request

  • We currently support Google Chrome and Firefox browsers only. If you are using any other browser, please log back on using either of these options.
  • We support desktop or laptop computers only. Functionality on mobile devices such as cell phones and tablets is limited at this time.
  • If connecting off-site (not on a campus computer), check your internet connection.
  • Log out of Lumiere and restart the browser (Chrome or Firefox) completely.
  • Restart your computer.

Tips and Resources

  • Confirm caps lock is unlocked on the keyboard.
  • Ensure the password is entered correctly. If entering a system-generated password, do not cut and paste with extra characters (ie, spaces) around it; type in the password exactly as it appears.
  • Ensure correctly entering the login (your institutional email address).
  • Reset your password.
Issue type
We will get back to you between 1-3 business days.
* Required
Full name *
E-mail address *
Your institution name *
Date resolution needed by * (use format MM/DD/YY)
Detailed description of problem/inquiry *
Operating system *
Web browser used *
Location *
On Campus Off Campus (telecommuting, etc.)
Additional information
Upload attachments
Please upload screenshot of error messages, etc.